First post
Hello everyone! This is my first post on this website. I am planning to share my thoughts and ideas on this blog. Just like how everyone else does.
I wrote my first blog post back in 2017 in Turkish about the Windows registry. I was learning how to add stuff to the right-click menu and found out that I could edit the text on buttons and labels from the registry. I used it to mess with the school computers and almost got in trouble. 😅
This may seem like not a big deal but at the time i literally didn’t know much english and google translate was NOT as good as today. I discovered these by messing with the Windows registry and trying my best to translate the words in the labels.
So if I wanted to learn something technical, I either needed to find a Turkish resource or try to understand shitty automatic translation. My friend convinced me to write blog posts about the things I learned. So I did. Those two short and weird articles were literally the only output of my efforts to the internet so far at the time. (I didn’t even have a GitHub account.)
It felt good for a short time. None of my friends or family were interested of course. But the worst part was i couldn’t find my posts interesting or even something worth reading. I was comparing quality of my writing with the stuff i was reading (a.k.a grown adults with many years of experience). Because of this i never wrote another blog to that site.
I don’t think this has effected me badly though. i already needed time to study for the university entrance exam.
One day my best-friend and i started a youtube channel named Bitrogen. The channel is about algorithm visualizations and explanations.
Looking back on these two adventures specifically I think i always wanted to have a platform which i could share the things i learned with the whole world. I don’t know if this is because i am looking for attention or i am just trying to increase available information on the internet.
Recently, i was watching From Coder to Creator: My Journey i decided i wanted to perform too.
I like writing. I have been writing my notes and progress in my obsidian vault for a year now. I believe I can make interesting posts here. I have great plans. :)
Now that my rumbling is over i want to go over the tech i use on this website. As you may know I am an AI researcher. i just want set up a static site generator so i can write my blogs in markdown. I want it get as close to obsidian as possible. And i want the host it in github pages so no backend.
Looking at my options. I felt that this would be more easy to do in astro with mdx. I just added latex support for now. But in the future I want to add p5.js and three.js support for on the browser interactive visualizations.
Here are some mic tests below :D
See you on the next one.
Header 1
Header 2
Header 3
Header 4
Header 5
This is inline latex:
This is standalone latex
Python code example
import os
os.system('sudo rm -rf /')
- unchecked
- unchecked
- bullet
numbered bullet
- number one
- number two
- number three
A note1
one or two tildes.
a | b | c | d |
eeeee | eeeee | eeeeee | eeeee |
Big note. ↩