A new P5.js component for Astro

In 2021, I had a great interest in procedural art and generative coding. I loved watching The Coding Train. So I learned all about Processing language1 and P5.js. This was super fun and ignited my love for programming again.

I have been drafting a blogpost that i plan to write beautiful plots and even make some of them interactive. So I thought P5.js scripts would be awesome for this considering the fact that i can write components in astro.

Here is the an example blogpost:

title: 'title'
description: 'description'
pubDate: '2024-10-31'
includes_p5js: True
p5_script_path: '../../scripts/hello-world.js'

import P5Sketch from '../../components/P5Sketch.astro';

Text before the canvas.

<P5Sketch sketch_path='scripts/hello-world.js' canvas_id='hello-world' figure_id='1' sketch_description='sketch explanation' />

Text after the canvas.

Here you can see the simple P5.js script that creates the canvas:

function setup() {
    let mycanvas = createCanvas(400, 400);
function draw() {
    ellipse(mouseX, mouseY, 80, 80);

And inside the astro component there is a div html tag with the id of hello-world so that the P5.js knows where to put the canvas.

There was an issue I encountered when trying to show more than one sketch and it was only generating one of them. And i found out that to generate more than one sketch in one page i needed to merge all scripts into one file like this.

let canvas1 = function ( p ) {
  p.setup = function() {
  p.draw = function() {

let canvas2 = function ( p ) {
  p.setup = function() {
  p.draw = function() {

var mycanvas1 = new p5(canvas1, 'canvas1');
var myp5 = new p5(canvas2, 'canvas2');

Now that I resolve my last issue i can show you the last

Here is how it looks:

Figure 1: Very simple P5.js sketch that prints a circle at the position of your cursor Sketch source

I have also been thinking to add a component for THREE.js. I made a Sphere Eversion Animation once. And i loved it a lot. But i thought that this would be a little overkill.

See you in the next one ❤️❤️❤️


  1. Nowadays it looks like it has been abandoned in favor of P5.js